Focus on Creativity
Are you someone who struggles to get a good photo using your smartphone? Maybe you think you’re just a bad photographer. I’m telling...
Do you know that 95% of people make this mistake when taking smartphone photos?
Most people hold their phone like this: they open their camera,...
Understanding depth of field in smartphone photography can be a game changer when it comes to taking stunning, professional looking pictures....
Photography is a form of art. Today, everyone is a photographer as far as access but not everyone can take a good photo.
Most people use...
As much as professional photographers don’t want to admit it, today’s smartphone cameras can produce a photo as good, or better, than...
If you have upgraded to new smartphone within the past few years then chances are, you have more than one lens on your camera. Depending on which...
Wait...whaaat? Somehow the year has flown by and now the holidays are almost upon us. Although it’s fun to share photos of our Thanksgiving...
Need a few tips to increase creativity? After spending close to a year at home, you may have found that your creativity has suffered. As someone...
Do you have a favorite smartphone photo editing app? I do and use it on almost every photo before posting to social media. Editing is so important...
What is the High Point Market Insider’s Tour?
The High Point Market Insider’s Tour is specifically for new buyers or those who...
Visiting NYC during Christmas time has been on my bucket list for years. I don’t know why we hadn’t done it before but last weekend we...
The holidays are such a great time to get lots of beautiful photos of our home’s decorated interiors. Getting the lighting right and a good...